Dear Parents,
Days are getting shorter and the excitement of the holiday season is almost upon us. This is a time to enjoy special family traditions and celebrations. At my house this coming weekend will be filled with cleaning and cooking family favorites as we get ready for Thanksgiving!! I'm sure your household is equally as busy with holiday preparations.
In math, we continued our work with the Partial Difference Strategy. Students are learning this strategy to give them a deeper understanding of subtraction. We hit a little glitch on Wednesday this past week and we needed to spend some extra time working on partial difference problems that required students to work with negative numbers. That is the reason that students had different homework than what was written in the blog. Because of the difficulty on Wednesday our assessment on this skill will be on Tuesday.
Here's the homework for the week...
Mon. Worksheet--Word Problems with Parital Sums and Partial Differences
Tues. No Homework (Quiz)
Wed. IXL P.4-Count Money Up to One Dollar
Thurs. IXL P. 5-Count Money Up to Five Dollar
Writing this week has been continuing to edit and revise our Monster stories. We spent time reviewing friendly letter form and put our review into practice by writing back to our 6th grade penpals. The students were very genuine as they responded to questions the 6th graders had asked them and they thoughtfully composed questions to ask their 6th grade penpal. I can see this as a very "real world" connection for communicating via letters.
Our work in Language continued with adjectives. We will be quizzing on adjectives on Tuesday. Even though we will assess on adjectives on Tuesday, we will continue to work with adjectives as we write.
As mentioned above in writing, we have started writing back to our penpals in 6th grade. When we revise and edit our letters we will focus on the punctuation (commas in the date, greeting, and closing) and on the capitalization of letters (month in the date, greeting, beginning of sentences, I, names of people and places, and titles).
Students are loving our new project--Creating a 51st State! We have been using the information we learned about Nevada to help us create a new state. This project is one that students are working on by themselves. Students have been getting very creative with this project. Last week students started creating their Presentation (the Google equivalent of a Power Point). In addition to their Presentation, students will also be creating a map of their state and a travel brochure convincing people to move to their state. Students will complete these projects before Thanksgiving and we will be setting a date for students to present their projects to students and parents after Thanksgiving.
Looking forward to a busy and productive week!!
Here's the information from Mrs. Jackson!!
2nd Grade Blog November 17-20
I hope your weekend was relaxing. We came out this morning to find our horse’s water frozen. I had to pull our mittens and scarves out which shouldn’t be any surprise to me considering that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. That’s hard to believe too!
This week we are studying the ay-word family. While studying the ay family, we will be also be looking at words that include ey and homophones such as pray and prey. We review the word family of the week together as a class many days each week and then students work on this same word family in small groups during Daily Five on Monday and/or Tuesdays with a volunteer. These Daily Five Spelling groups are leveled according to students’ Reading/Spelling ability.
The students take a list of their Spelling words home on Monday and are given a test in their same small Spelling words for their group on Thursday with Mrs. Hyde who works as an Instructional Assistant at our school.
For families who might want to spend a bit more time on Spelling, I have now included my lists on a website called Spelling City. Spelling City is a website recommended to me by a parent. Students will only be able to access all free applications, since I am only using the free portion of this site. On this website, you will find the appropriate list for your child for this week under November 17 Spelling lists Group 1, Group 2 and 3, or Group 4. Next to this list you will find S-test, a practice test and a Games tab with some free games that your child can use for practice. Practicing Spelling at home is optional. I am sending home the last week’s Spelling test so that you can see how much time you might want to spend on Spelling at home.
If you would like to use some of these online resources, you may reach my Spelling page by using the following web link.
If you need to know which group your child is in and a Spelling list doesn't reach it to your home tomorrow evening, e-mail me and I will let you know.
As always, Reading is a priority over Spelling. I would always recommend doing at least 15 minutes of reading and if you choose to, you might add Spelling practice in for the last 5 minutes or so.
We are beginning to identify Main Ideas and Supporting Details in non fiction passages. We are doing this in our whole group mini-lessons as well as in our small Guided Reading groups. We will look at how to identify Main Ideas and Supporting details using multiple choice options this week and gradually begin to write them ourselves as well as find evidence in the passage to support what we’ve identified. This week you may not see as much assigned reading as usual, since we will be spending some days using non-fiction passages in class to practice this skill.
Have a great week! Thanks for supporting your child’s Reading at home!
Mrs. Jackson