March 30, 2015
Dear Parents,
Our parent conferences are almost over. It's always such an exciting time to visit with each family discussing your child's progress. Over the course of Friday and Saturday Mrs. Jackson and myself have visited with thirty-one families in the first and second grade. We so appreciate your promptness and attentiveness to conferences.
The student's of Room 5 earned their Cupcake Decorating Party. It took quite awhile but the students finally earned it!! Here are some pictures of the celebration!!
We contined our work in representing 4 data through creating graphs. Students used data that they collected from students at lunch to create picture graphs and bar graphs. Along with the graphs, students also wrote questions to go along with the graphs. This week students also learned about a new way to show data--line plots. Our work with line plots will continue into this week.
Math Homework
Mon. Line Plot Worksheet
Tues. W.B. pg. 112
Wed. W.B. pg. 113-114
Thurs. No Homework (Spring Break)
My writing plans did not work out this week. Students were supposed to start writing their persuasive/opinion pieces this week. Although I introduced the idea of OREO, our project time took over our writing time. The acronym OREO stands for the following, O-state your opinion, R-give reasons for your opinion, E-explain your reasons, O-restate your opinion.
Projects are coming along very slowly. We have had many students absent this past week with fevers and we have also had a few issues with our Chromebooks. Although we are behind our time line for this project, we will forge ahead and present on Thursday, April 2nd from 2:30-3:30 PM in the cafeteria. This will be very informal but please feel free to join us.
In language we are working on prefixes. This past week we created a tree map with the prefixes un = not, re = again, and pre = before. Each prefix was discussed and students listed words for each prefix. Students practiced defining words and using them in sentences.
Spring Break is almost here. I’m hoping that the weather continues to be as beautiful as it has been the past week. Wishing all my second grade families a Happy Easter and relaxing Spring Break.
Anne Bloomfield
Reading information from Mrs. Jackson...
March 30-April 2
What a whirlwind of a weekend but one of my two favorite times of year (besides the rodeo and my annual trip to Mendocino).
It is always so nice to spend time with the families of all of my students, getting to share how much they are learning, how much I appreciate their hard work and where we are headed! Thank you for taking time to come in and meet with Anne and I.
This week we are finishing our fable unit and will be writing fables based around morals or lessons that we should follow here at school. During our daily dive rotations we will listen to fables and will also be looking at some poetry and the way that words and phrases add meaning to poems like they do to stories.
We will be taking an overall Spelling assessment this week like one that we took in the fall to compare our progress since then regarding our knowledge and ability to use word patterns and word families.
This week, we should also be finishing the novels we are currently reading and be ready to begin new books when we come back from spring break. We will also be getting new folders after break, since many of our folders have gotten torn since the beginning of the year.
Have a safe spring break. Happy Easter!
Mrs. Jackson