November 21, 2016
Dear Parents,
It's the week of Thanksgiving and thankful, thankful, thankful is how Miss Garcia and myself feel!! We give thanks for the amazing students that we get to teach and learn from everyday. We are thankful for the wonderful parents that support their children in the educational process. And of course, we are thankful to be a part of the Oasis Academy Staff.
Since this week is only 2 days, this blog will include the homework for this week (Week 14) and next week (Week 15).
Last week in math we continued our work with graphing. Students reviewed tally charts, picture graphs, and bar graphs. Second graders also learned about line plots. We collected lots of data including the length of various books in the classroom, the amount of children in our families, and the amount of pets each child has. This made for some interesting line plots.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Amount of Children in Families
This week we will spend 2 days working with money. The following week second grade mathematicians will be starting their work on our geometry unit.
Since we have a short week, students will only have homework on Monday. Enjoy the Thanksgiving Break!
Here's the homework...
Week 14
Mon. (11/21)
IXL P.4 Count Money Up to $1.
Tues. (11/22)
No Homework--Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break
Week 15
Mon. (11/28)
IXL T.3 Count Sides and Vertices
Tues. (11/29)
IXL T.4 Compare Sides and Vertices
Wed. (11/30)
IXL U.3 Count Vertices, Edges and Faces
Thurs. (12/1)
IXL U.4 Compare Vertices, Edges and Faces
In writing students have been working on a persuasive piece. In this writing students are asking parents for something or to be able to do something. This writing will be completed this week. From there students will continue with some short opinion writing pieces.
Our work in language this week was all about adverbs. Students learned that an adverb can tell how something happened, when something happened, or where something happened. The work on adverbs will continue this week. We will review adjectives and advervs on Monday, November 28th and assess on Tuesday.
Students have been working on lab reports that follow the scientific method. They will be determining how the solid or liquid they selected will change when heated and cooled. They will also be experimenting to see if the changes are reversible or irreversible.
As we make our way to Thanksgiving on Thursday, Miss Garcia and myself wish you a Happy Thanksgiving that is filled with special memories.
Gratefully yours,
Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia
Here’s some reading information from Mrs. Loop…
Hello Second Grade Families,
This week I will not be meeting with students in reading groups due to the short week, instead I will be completing report card assessments. Students will be comparing and contrasting two different Thanksgiving books that will be read aloud to them, we will be reviewing author’s purpose, and students will be finding the main idea in multiparagraph articles.
Important: Second graders will be bringing home a reading log to complete during the week of Thanksgiving which will begin Monday, November 21 and continue through Sunday, November 27. I would like to encourage your child to read, read, read! If they choose to complete the reading log and keep track of their minutes that they read they may earn a prize when they return to school on Monday, November 28. This is completely OPTIONAL but if your child reads 80 minutes during this week they will be eligible for a prize. Be on the lookout for the reading log that they will bring home with them Monday night.
Happy Thanksgiving and happy reading,
Mrs. Loop