Sunday, December 17, 2017

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All!!

                                                                 December 18, 2017

Dear Second Grade Families,

We are down to the last 4 days before Christmas Break!!  I know that everybody has busy households as we finish all our Christmas preparations, yet stay caught up with our day to day activities.  Easier said than done--but try very hard to enjoy some peace within this busy time of year.

Last week was very rough!!  We had many students down with the flu!  Miss Garcia and myself are hoping that everyone is healthy and stays healthy for our final week of school before vacation.

Last week we started some work in geometry.  Our focus was categorizing 3-dimensional shapes.  We worked on this in whole group as students suggested different ways to sort the solids.  Students came up with many different ideas such as color, shape, and size.  Eventually student sorted them by solids with curved faces and solids with flat faces.

During the week students also made 3-dimensional shapes.  We are focusing on identifying the 3-dimensional shapes by name (sphere, cube, cone, retangular solid, triangular solid, pyramid, and cylinder.  Students are describing the 3-dimensional shapes by talking about their edges, vertices, and faces.  Students spent time constructing 3-D shapes using toothpicks and raisins.  

Here’s our math homework for the week.
IXL U.2  Select 3-Dimensional Shapes
IXL U.3  Count Vertices, Edges, and Faces
IXL  U.4  Compare Vertices, Edges, and Faces
No Homework--Happy Christmas Vacation

Our work with adverbs is continuing!  Students are getting much better at identifying adverbs and sorting them by if they tell--How, When, or Where.
We are finishing up our Gift to the World pieces.  Your children have amazed us with their thoughtful gifts that they would like to give to special people.
In projects this week students took the knowledge they have gained about the properties of solids, liquids, and gases.  Students watched and discussed a short science video on properties.  They were given the scenario of being stranded on “Desert Island” and having to make a hat to protect them from the sun.  Students were given the following items to create a hat-- a paper plate, a paper bag, 3 feet of yarn, a 12 X 12 sheet of foil, a rubber band, and 2 clothes pins.  Students got very creative about using the material and considering the properties of those materials to create a hat that would protect them on a Desert Island.

As we close out the year 2017, we’re wishing all Second Grade Families a wonderful, restful, healthy, and safe holiday season!  

Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia

3 Stockings Free Stock Photo ...

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Week 14

                                                                                            December 11, 2017  
Dear Parents,

Wow, last week was soooo busy!  Between the Polar Express evening and Parent/Teacher Conferences it was a fun but busy end to the week.  It was so wonderful to have some time at conferences to discuss your child’s academic and social progress.  We appreciate you taking to the time to come in to conferences.  Both Miss Garcia and I have a few more conferences this week, but we are proud to say we will have met with 100% of our families!!
Last week in math we continued our work with graphing.  Students reviewed tally charts, picture graphs, and bar graphs.  Second graders also learned about line plots.  We collected lots of data including the length of various books in the classroom, the amount of children in our families, and the amount of pets each child has.  This made for some interesting line plots.
                                                                       X       X
                                                           X         X       X
                                                           X         X       X         X                
                                                 X        X         X       X         X        X        X      
                                      1      2      3      4      5      6       7      8      
Amount of Children in Families    
Here's the homework...
Line Plot Worksheet
IXL  T.2  Select a 2-Dimensional Shape
IXL T.3  Count Sides and Vertices
IXL  T.4 Compare Sides and Vertices

Last week students started working on descriptive writing.  We discussed gifts, going from talking about concrete gifts (items you can touch) to abstract (things that you can do for others).  Students generated a list of abstract gifts, selected 1 gift and who they would like to recieve that gift.  They are writing a descriptive piece that goes along with their abstract gift.  
Our work in language this week was all about adverbs.  Students learned that an adverb can tell how something happened, when something happened, or where something happened.  The work on adverbs will continue this week.
Students are continuing their work with matter.  They will be determining how the solid or liquid they selected will change when heated and cooled. They will also be experimenting to see if the changes are reversible or irreversible.  
Wishing you a great week filled with peace!!
Gratefully yours,
Anne Bloomfield                
Shannon Garcia

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Week 13--Welcome to the 2nd Trimester

December 4, 2017
Dear Parents,

Last week we said good-bye to the first trimester and today we say hello to the 2nd trimester.  Our 2nd grade students have been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY working on many 2nd Grade Standards.

Second grade students have been busy collecting data, creating picture graphs and bar graphs, and answering questions using the graphs.  Students are zooming along with these Measurement and Data Standards.  This coming week students will learn about line plots.
Here’s the homework for the week....
Picture Worksheet
IXL R.3 Which Bar Graph Is Correct?
IXL R.5 Interpret Line Plots
IXL R.6 Create Line Plots

Students have continued to work on identifying adjectives in text and using adjectives in writing.  This past week students participated in an activity called “Adjective Triangles”.  They picked an image and listed 4 adjectives to describe the image.  The formatting of this writing made a triangle, thus the name “Adjective Triangles”.  Second graders will move on to adverbs this week.  Being aware of adjectives and adverbs will help students to write with stronger details.

The 2nd grade writers have just finished up their opinion piece on the best holiday.  We had a wide variety of holidays that students gave reasons with explanations to tell their opinion about the best holiday.  This writing will be up in the hall for you to enjoy when we conference on Friday or next week.

Projects have continued as students continue to explore solids, liquids, and gas.  Students focused on the properties of liquids this past week.

Looking forward to another wonderful week full of learning!  Also looking forward to seeing many of you at conferences on Friday!!

Anne Bloomfield

Shannon Garcia

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Welcome Back from Fall Break

  November 27, 2017
Dear Parents,

Welcome back from vacation!!  Miss Garcia and myself hope that everyone had a wonderful vacation and fun, family-filled Thanksgiving.  The first week back from vacation will be a busy one as it is also the last week of the first trimester!  

Last week students finished adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers using open number line and the arrow method.  Our students have done a fantastic job working on learning 4 different strategies to add and subtract with 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.  Miss Garcia and myself are very proud of all our 2nd graders.
This week we will start off working on word problems that will allow students to use their addition and subtraction strategies.  We will be determining whether a problem is a part, part, whole problem or a whole, part, part problem. Then we will move towards working with gathering data, creating graphs, and interpreting graphs.
Picture Graph
Favorite Colors
Bar Graph
Favorite Colors



Here's the homework schedule for this week...
Word Problem Worksheet
IXL R.1 Interpret Tally Charts and Tables
IXL R.7 Interpret Pictographs
IXL R.8 Create Pictographs (Be sure to watch the scale!)

This week we will move onto learning about adjectives and how they describe nouns.  By learning about adjectives, the 2nd graders will be able to add them into their Opinion writings to make them more descriptive.
The second graders will finish their opinion pieces this week.  All 2nd grade writers have selected a holiday that they feel is the best holiday.  They have to state their opinion, give three reasons, explain each reason, and then restate their opinion.  Students have picked a wide variety holidays.  The finished products will be completed this week.
The 2nd grade scientists are learning about matter.  We have been learning about the properties of solids, liquids, and gas.  Students have also learned about how molecules “act” in each of the forms of matter.
Looking forward to amazing week back!!
Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week 11 Fall Break and Happy Thanksgiving

Free illustration: Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving - Free Image ...

                                                                                                    November 13, 2017

Dear Parents,

20171109_093925.jpgI hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Veteran’s Day weekend!  Many 2nd graders showed their patriotism by wearing patriotic clothing on Thursday.  Our school was a sea of red, white, and blue with some camouflage and miltiary uniforms thrown in.  It really set a “proud to be an American” tone and gave students the opportunity to share about the special veterans in their families.

On Thursday Room 17 was lucky enough to have an unexpected visitor!  Mrs. Pilarski (Caleb’s Mom) came to our class for Veteran’s Day ready to share a book that she co-wrote with her Dad.  The book is about her Dad’s experiences during the Korean War.  While the book is written for adults, Mrs. Pilarski told a couple of stories.  It was so exciting for the students to visit and ask questions of an author.

Students have been using the strategies that we used when adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers (open number line, partial sums and differences, and branching) and applying them to 3-digit numbers.  Last week we focused on branching to add and subtract 3-digit numbers.  This week we will finish up by using the open number line and partial sums and differences to add and subtract 3-digit numbers.  Miss Garcia and myself are so proud of how well students are doing with this math work!!
Here's the homework schedule for this week...
Worksheet-- 3-digit Addition and Subtraction Open Number Line
Worksheet--3-digit Partial Sum/Difference
IXL I.1 Add Multiples of 100
No Homework--Happy Fall Break

Free vector graphic: Feedback, Opinion, Gut, Bad - Free Image on ...We will finish up our work with collective nouns this week.  Each student picked a collective noun to create a slide.  These slides will be put together to make a Collective Noun Slide Show.   So far students have done a great job!  This standard will be assessed this week!
The writers in 2nd grade are moving forward with their opinion pieces on the best holiday.  They will be stating their opinion, giving three reasons along with explanations, and restate their opinion.  It will be interesting to see what holidays students select along with their reasons.
20171107_154801.jpgStudents are involved with a new project!!  We are working in the area of science.  Our scientific second graders have been learning about the 3 forms of matter.  This week students have made observations about various forms of matter.  They have participated in two different experiments--The Balloon Poke and Melting Matter.
2nd Graders observing matter.
20171108_154545.jpg  20171108_154149.jpg
The Balloon Poke!!

As we finish this week, we head into our “Fall Break” and the official start of the holiday season.  Miss Garcia and myself wish everyone a restful, fun-filled, safe break and a lovely Thanksgiving.  See you all after break on Monday, November 27th!

Mrs. Bloomfield
Miss Garcia

Here’s some information from our reading teachers, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Rowlett!!

Reading News from Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Rowlett

Happy Thanksgiving 2nd grade Families.  Mrs. Jackson and I would like to let you know that 2nd graders will not have a spelling list or test this week. We will be working on trimester assessments during this time. Please remember that the students will have reading homework Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday but not on Thursday since this is the beginning of our fall break. If your child chooses to read over Thanksgiving break and logs their reading we will give a prize to all students who read for 20 minutes at least 5 days on the break.

Have a Wonderful Holiday