November 27, 2017
Dear Parents,
Welcome back from vacation!! Miss Garcia and myself hope that everyone had a wonderful vacation and fun, family-filled Thanksgiving. The first week back from vacation will be a busy one as it is also the last week of the first trimester!
Last week students finished adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers using open number line and the arrow method. Our students have done a fantastic job working on learning 4 different strategies to add and subtract with 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. Miss Garcia and myself are very proud of all our 2nd graders.
This week we will start off working on word problems that will allow students to use their addition and subtraction strategies. We will be determining whether a problem is a part, part, whole problem or a whole, part, part problem. Then we will move towards working with gathering data, creating graphs, and interpreting graphs.
Picture Graph
Bar Graph
Here's the homework schedule for this week...
Word Problem Worksheet
IXL R.1 Interpret Tally Charts and Tables
IXL R.7 Interpret Pictographs
IXL R.8 Create Pictographs (Be sure to watch the scale!)
This week we will move onto learning about adjectives and how they describe nouns. By learning about adjectives, the 2nd graders will be able to add them into their Opinion writings to make them more descriptive.
The second graders will finish their opinion pieces this week. All 2nd grade writers have selected a holiday that they feel is the best holiday. They have to state their opinion, give three reasons, explain each reason, and then restate their opinion. Students have picked a wide variety holidays. The finished products will be completed this week.
The 2nd grade scientists are learning about matter. We have been learning about the properties of solids, liquids, and gas. Students have also learned about how molecules “act” in each of the forms of matter.
Looking forward to amazing week back!!
Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia