Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 31 Good bye April, Hello May

April Showers

  April 30, 2018
Dear Bighorn Parents,

How can we be saying good bye to month of April and hello to the month

of May??!!  Even though we are solidly in the season of spring, winter temperatures have occasionally crept in and this week there are summer temperatures (high 60’s into the 70’s) in the forecast.  Please send your child with a labeled water bottle.

Last week students focused on the final standard in 2nd grade Math--
equal groups and building arrays to show repeated addition or the
foundation of Multiplication.  Students were so excited!
As students work on this important foundational skill.  They learned about
equal groups, repeated addition, arrays, columns, rows, multiplication
equations, factors, and products.  Miss Garcia and myself were very
impressed with how quickly the 2nd graders picked it up! They are looking
more and more like 3rd graders everyday. We will review this work on Monday
and assess, so there will be no homework Monday night in math.

With instruction of 2nd grade math standards completed, the remainder
of the school year, we will be focusing on standards that have not been
completely mastered.  Our math will consist of many “mini lessons” and
“mini assessments” on previously taught material to ensure that students
who previously were at mastery level are still there and students that had
not mastered a standard have the opportunity for additional instruction
and practice so that they may be reassessed.  With that being said some
of the IXL Objectives will be repeated for additional practice.

Tuesday and Wednesday, 2nd grade students will be reviewing adding and
subtracting within 100 and within 1,000.  Students will be reviewing this
skill using a new strategy--The Arrow Method!! Here are some examples
to help reinforce with homework!

Arrow Method Examples

2 4 2  + 5 2 8 = _______
       +200    +40 +2      
528 728 768770   

5 2 8  -- 2 4 2 = ________
   -200      -40 -2      
528 328 288286   
1.  Start with the bigger addend (528).

2.  Draw an arrow.  Break down the
other addend (242) into hundreds (200),
tens(40) and ones (2).

3.  Above the arrow write a plus sign and
the amount of hundreds (+200).  Write
the subtotal after the arrow (728).

4.  Draw another arrow after the
subtotal. Above the arrow write a
plus sign and the amount of tens (+40).  
Write the subtotal (768).

5.   Draw another arrow after the
subtotal. Above the arrow write a plus
sign and the amount of ones (+2).  
Write the total (770).

1.  Start with the minuend (528).

2.  Draw an arrow.  Break down the
other subtrahend (242) into hundreds (200),
tens(40) and ones (2).

3.  Above the arrow write a minus sign
and the amount of hundreds (-200).  Write
the subtotal after the arrow (328).

4.  Draw another arrow after the subtotal.
Above the arrow write a minus sign and
the amount of tens (-40).  Write the
subtotal (288).

5.   Draw another arrow after the
subtotal. Above the arrow write a minus sign
and the amount of ones (-2).  Write the
total (286).

Equal Groups Assess-No Homework
Worksheet Arrow Method Addition
Worksheet Arrow Method Subtraction
IXL Q.6 Time Words: O’Clock, Half, and Quarter

Our work in language is all about determining the meaning of words.  Last
week and the beginning of this week students have been using context
clues to help them to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.  We will
be using our read aloud book, Helen Keller to help us with this standard.  

Students have been busy revising and editing their opinion pieces.  Some
students have even competed their final copy. We are looking forward to
moving onto a new writing project next week.

Our decade projects are going very well.  Students have their decade and
are actively researching information about their decade.  So far students
have learned the president, first lady, vice-president, the vice-president’s
wife, and a natural disaster that occurred during their assigned decade.  This
week students will focus on the entertainment aspect of their decades (popular
children’s books, radio/television shows, and children’s movies).

Looking forward to another learning-filled week in 2nd grade!!


Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Earth Day Week 30

Happy Earth Day

                                                                                  April 23, 2018
Dear Parents,

The school year continues to be flying by, it’s hard to believe that
we only have 7 weeks left of school!!  

In Math, 2nd graders will be starting their last “new” unit of the
school year--multiplication.  We will be using number bonds and the
terms equal groups, repeated addition, and arrays as we explore this
concept.  Students will spend time drawing lots of pictures as we
learn the foundation of multiplication.

Number Bond
▋ ▋ ▋ ▋     ▋ ▋▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋▋
This number bond can be described the following ways....

Repeated Addition...4 + 4 + 4 = 12
Multiplication Sentence...3 X 4 = 12
Equal Groups...3 groups of 4 equals 12

Array                     C
ROWS Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   L This array can be described as...
      Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   U Repeated Addition...4 + 4 + 4 = 12
       Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   M Equal Groups… 3 rows of 4
                         N Multiplication Sentence...3 X 4 =12
Here’s the homework for the week...
IXL Y.4  Relate Addition and Multiplication for Equal Groups
IXL Y.2  Identify Multiplication Sentences for Equal Groups
E.24  Write Addition Sentences for Arrays
Y.5  Write Multiplication Sentences for Arrays

In language 2nd graders worked on combining, expanding, and rearranging sentences.  Our work in this
standard will continue on Monday and Tuesday. Students will review and test on Wednesday after
correcting our Scoot Review.

Students will be completing their opinion pieces this week.  Last week students used a rubric to rate
their rough drafts. Students also had a peer review their opinion writing.  Students will conference with
their teachers this week and complete their final copy this week.

Second grade students have completed their personal timelines.  They will begin working on their decade
time line projects. Pairs of students will be working on completing note takers.  They will be learning
about the presidents, important news, inventions, transportation, music, children’s books and movies, and
much more as they research their decade.  The next 2 weeks will be filled with research.

In closing, please remember that with the warmer weather water bottles are important.  Be sure to send
your child with a water bottle labeled with their name. This is especially important on P.E. days
(Monday and Wednesday).

Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week 29

         April 16, 2018

Dear Parents.

Thanks for making Parent Teacher Conferences great!!  Friday was definitely a
packed day, but it was very fun to meet with so many families to discuss the progress of your student!

As many of you are aware, one of 8th grade students was in an accident.  To support
this student (who is a big Boise State fan), Oasis is having a school wide fundraiser.
 On Monday students may pay a $1 and wear blue and orange instead of their uniform.

This past week students spent time exploring fractions.  So far students have worked
on naming fractions of a whole, recognizing the unit fractions one half, one third, and
one fourth.  Students have also worked on identifying, reading, and writing fractions.

Open ...
We worked on describing fractions by saying 3/4 of the shape is green.  
3/4 is 3 out of the 4 equal parts.

We will continue working with fractions on Monday and review and assess on Tuesday.
IXL  W.4-Which Shape Illustrates a Fraction?
IXL W.6-Fractions of a Whole:  Modeling Problems
IXL G.7  Addition Input/Output Tables Up to 2 Digits
IXL H.7  Subtraction Input/Output Tables Up to 2 Digits

Last week we finished our work with using apostrophes in contractions and possessive nouns.  This week 2nd graders will work on combining, expanding, and rearranging sentences.
Our second writers are are working on their opinion pieces.  Students have
completed rough drafts and will work on revising and editing this week, then
produce a final copy.  

In our Timeline Project, students have made a Timeline of the events of 2nd grade.
 We also started to create personal timelines. Students will complete personal
timelines this week and begin researching their decade at the end of the week.

With April, the days have been a little warmer (except for last Thursday when a few
snowflakes were in the air) and of course a bit lighter later.  Lacrosse, softball, and
baseball are all in full swing, which makes for very busy afternoons and nights.
Please be sure to try to keep a regular schedule as Miss Garcia and myself want
well rested learners.

Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Bloomfield