The first quarter is complete and we are onto the second quarter. This year is flying by. Before I write about last week, I want to mention some important events happening this week. First of all, this coming week is Book Fair Week. Our class will be visiting the Book Fair on Tuesday afternoon. This is an opportunity for students to check out the Book Fair. During this time they will have the chance to browse, make a "wish list", and make a purchase if they have money. Thursday, October 23rd will be Family Night for the Book Fair. Besides visiting the Book Fair, your family can enjoy a snack, have a picture taken, and watch local falconer, Chris Honecker work with his falcon. It promises to be a very exciting night! I hope you can attend!!
Mrs. Jackson and myself will be starting Parent Teacher Conferences on Friday, October 24th. Between October 24th and the following week we will be conferencing with 40 families. This will be a very busy and exciting week, both Mrs. Jackson and myself are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's academic and social progress. If you have not signed up for a conference please do so!! You should have received an email from a web site called Sign up Genius to sign up for a conference. If you have not received the link please contact me so that I can resend and you can get scheduled.
Now here's what we did last week...
In Math we completed an end of quarter assessment. I spent a big portion of Math meeting with students in small group and individually to review the end of the quarter assessment standards. Students also worked with number lines that included both positive and negative numbers. We have just been practicing counting on and counting back through a dice game, giving students experience with negative numbers. In addition to our work with positive and negative numbers, students also started adding 2 digit numbers using an open number line. This is an example of what the open number line strategy looks.
We will continue our work with open number lines this week, moving onto more complex addition equations (42 + 37 = __) and subtraction equations. Because open number lines are not included on the IXL program, homework this week will be worksheets. Here is our homework for next week.
Open Number Line Addition Worksheet
Open Number Line Subtraction Worksheet
Open Number Line Subtraction Worksheet
No Homework due to quiz
Then and Now Project
Our work on our Then and Now Projects are coming to a close. I will be taking our completed projects to the Churchill County Museum on Thursday afternoon. This was a very challenging project and there were definitely some very stressful moments but as always the students have risen to the occasion. We are very thankful to the many parents who have come in to help us with our projects and for Mrs. Mori's 6th Grade Class for helping us edit, revise, and search for images. This past week we put the finishing touches on our writing that goes with the project and we mounted our writing and images on construction; getting the pieces ready to mount on the trifold boards.
We finished our Tree Map on Plural Nouns both regular and irregular. The students did a great job with an I have...Who Has? card game. They are getting faster and faster responding. We also did some review of compound words and verbs.
This week our writing time was spent working on our projects. As mentioned above, the projects have been so labor intensive with writing and typing, I have been using our writing block to support our project writing. I am looking forward to having the writing block time back to work on the 6+1 Writing Traits.
Enjoy your week and I look forward to meeting with you all very soon!!
Anne Bloomfield
Reading information from Mrs. Jackson...
Dear 2nd Grade Parents,
I am anxious to see all of you within the next 2 weeks for conferences. Most of our assessments are finally done. All of the children in our classroom have made tremendous progress. Please let me know if there is something you would specifically like to address during these conferences. That way I can make sure to plan time during our 20 minutes to discuss information regarding that topic.
We have been doing Raz-Kids, an online reading program at each child’s optimal reading level for growth. This program includes quizzes on the books that they have read to make sure that they are truly comprehending what they are reading. Time spent utilizing this online program would be a great way to supplement the reading that I assign in class for homework.
Your child can go into Raz-Kids and access their specific individual reading corner. Oasis Academy has purchased licenses for all 1st and 2nd graders so that they will be able to utilize this program at school and at home. In order to log in, please go to the teacher login section.
My login is:
I think you will find this program very useful at home and that your child will enjoy doing their nightly 20 minutes of reading using this as an alternative to actual books.
This week we will continue our Close Reading of The Spider and the Fly. In this text we are working on the standards of asking and answering questions within a text, recounting a story and understanding its lesson or moral, describing how words and phrases supply meaning and rhythm in a story or poem and acknowledging different points of view of characters, using different voices to express each one’s character. This has been a fun text to read. I will send a copy of the text home with your child to read and explain to you this week as our investigation continues.
We will also begin our “Wonder Stories”. These are small passages with short answers at 2,3,4 grade level that will also support our comprehension. We will be numbering paragraphs, highlighting our answers and using complete sentences to answer these comprehension questions
For Spelling, our word family will be “ike”. Please look for these lists in your child’s homework folder and encourage them to practice. They can do practice tests on these words, write the ones they miss multiple times, practice in the car, etc.
Thank you once again! I look forward to seeing you soon!
Kristen Jackson
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