Dear Parents,
New year, new semester, new quarter, It was a very busy first week back!! Students came back to new tablemates and a new room arrangement. Between lots of new pieces, being back with friends, and a surprise birthday celebration for me it was an extra busy week!!
We started the new year out with our unit on measuring length. Our week began with students using nonstandard units to measure classroom objects. Students enjoyed using different nonstandard units to measure the object. We were then able to discuss why an object measured with different nonstandard units had different measurements.
After spending time with nonstandard units, students got some practice estimating and measuring lengths to the nearest meter. Finally we worked on some word problems that involved meters. Our work in math took a little longer than expected, so our assessment was put off until Monday.
Here's the homework for the week.
Mon.-IXL S.10 Metric Units of Length--Word Problems
Tues.-IXL S. 8 Measure Using a Centimeter Ruler
Wed.-Practice Test B
Thurs.-No Homework (Assessment)
After spending time with nonstandard units, students got some practice estimating and measuring lengths to the nearest meter. Finally we worked on some word problems that involved meters. Our work in math took a little longer than expected, so our assessment was put off until Monday.
Here's the homework for the week.
Mon.-IXL S.10 Metric Units of Length--Word Problems
Tues.-IXL S. 8 Measure Using a Centimeter Ruler
Wed.-Practice Test B
Thurs.-No Homework (Assessment)
The students completed a very short but technology filled writing assignment using the acronym JOY. The J stands for something the student just did, the O stands for one thing the student wants to improve in, and the Y stands for something special about you. Students spent time talking and sharing their responses to the 3 statements. They then wrote a rough draft on paper.
On day 2 of this assignment, students did some self editing and revisions and then worked with a partner on editing and revising. Students typed their final drafts on their Chrome Books. For this writing assignment students had to create a 2 by 3 table with different font size being used in each column. Students got to experiment with different fonts, text color, and background color.
Finally students started presenting their JOY to the class using the Smart Board. Students presented their JOY and answered questions from their classmates. The presentation part of this lesson will continue into Monday so that all students have the opportunity to present.
On day 2 of this assignment, students did some self editing and revisions and then worked with a partner on editing and revising. Students typed their final drafts on their Chrome Books. For this writing assignment students had to create a 2 by 3 table with different font size being used in each column. Students got to experiment with different fonts, text color, and background color.
Finally students started presenting their JOY to the class using the Smart Board. Students presented their JOY and answered questions from their classmates. The presentation part of this lesson will continue into Monday so that all students have the opportunity to present.
In language our focus was reviewing possessive nouns and contractions. Both of these types of words require an apostrophe and students have a tendency to confuse them and forget the apostrophe.
During the 2nd semester of the year our focus on projects will be in Science. Our official project will start next week but we have been using our project time to build a foundation of the Scientific Method and frontloading some information on matter. This work will continue into this week as well.
I hope everyone is getting back into their regular routines and had a relaxing weekend. As always, looking forward to another wonderful week in Room 5.
Here's the 2nd Grade Reading information from Mrs. Jackson.
I hope everyone is getting back into their regular routines and had a relaxing weekend. As always, looking forward to another wonderful week in Room 5.
Here's the 2nd Grade Reading information from Mrs. Jackson.
Our first week back!
It was so fun to be back. We had a great week with our friends and back in our classroom. This week we will begin learning how to conduct non fiction research papers on animals. Students will research what the animal looks like, what they eat, where they live and fun facts. We will work on this first as a group and then do our own independent research on another animal.
Also, we are working more at in depth reading comprehension. Weekly, we are working on "Wonder Story" passages, answering multiple choice and written comprehension questions. I hope that you noticed the change from 2's to 3's on your child's report card. Since we did not hold conferences this quarter, please feel free to text or email me any questions that you have about specifics.
I continue to work daily with each child in a small reading group working at each group's level and with their specific needs. Just a reminder: even if I don't assign a specific book for reading, your child should still be reading 20 minutes daily in another book from home. I can see so much growth and benefit from this work at home! It truly makes a huge difference!
This week we will also be learning a bit about Martin Luther King Jr. in anticipation of next week's holiday and our 3-day week here at school.
Our Word Family this week is the "ew" family.
I hope you have had a relaxing weekend. It's been nice for me to catch up after the holidays.
Thank you!!! Kristen Jackson
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