February 22, 2016
Dear Parents,
Well...we are back to a full work week AND we should be finished with homework sheets for the MOST part! We will begin the week with telling time! The second grade standard is to: tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest 5 minutes, differentiating between a.m and p.m.
Last week we focused on Partial Sums and Differences with Renaming a number. The students did a great job working together and coaching their partner! We will review these concepts and also work on a new concept called “Arrow Diagrams.” We will mainly focus on this concept in class.
Arrow Diagram-
51 + 34 =
+30 +4
51 ➜81 ➜85
Basically you add the tens together to find a sum, then add the ones, and find the sum by drawing an arrow to each new sum.
Writing - Students have been working hard to complete their rough copies of their animal reports. Throughout the week, I have been working with students to edit and revise their reports. This week students will complete their final copies. Their reports will include a cover page, an introduction, a report that focuses on 6 different topics about their animal, and a resource page. Students will also include map a physical or political map of the location of their animal.
Projects - Our class continues to focus on Geography. We have been discussing political vs. physical maps. We also pulled in some geography into our writing projects by adding a physical and political map to which area each animal was native to.
Homework for the week of February 22nd...
IXL - Q.1 Match analog clocks and times
IXL - Q.2 Match digital clocks and times
IXL - Q.3 Match analog and digital clocks
Q.4 Read clocks: hour and half hour/half past
On Wednesday February 17th, the students of Room 17 went to Maverick for their treat from the Oasis Student Council. They were awarded this treat for bringing in the most money for Money for Maverick. The money collected is going to a local veteran's organization.
Student Council Members and the Students of Room 17. |
Waiting to pick a treat at Maverick. |
Another highlight for the week was going to see the middle school Rube Goldberg Projects. These were amazing projects. The students were very attentive and got to visit a variety of projects.
The 3rd quarter is quickly winding down. You will be getting information soon about our 3rd Quarter Parent/Teacher Conferences via Sign-Up Genius. Conferences will start Friday, March 18th.
Students will be presenting their Reader's Theater from their work in Drama on March 9th at 2:00 PM. The performance will take place in the High School Hangout. They have been working hard on this performance, it is an event you will not want to miss!!
Looking forward to another amazing week with these amazing 2nd graders.
Anne Bloomfield
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