Saturday, August 27, 2016

Week 3

Learn the History of Labor Day ...

                                                                                                        August 29, 2016
Dear Second Grade Families,

It’s hard to believe we will be entering our 3rd week of school!!  The first 2 weeks have been very busy and all  2nd graders are getting settled into a rountine.   

This week in Math we worked on a very difficult but important skill--renaming tens and ones.  I must say, Miss Garcia and myself are  very proud of how hard students worked to understand this concept.  We used manipulatives and drew pictures to help us work on this skill.  Here's an example...
If the number is 32, it can be renamed the following ways.



We will continue to review this skill as it will be very important for mental math.  Other skills we worked on were reading and writing 2-digit numbers.  Remember to check out our math resource page on the blog, we are updating it often.
Here is the homework for the week...
IXL A.6 Number Lines- Up To 100
IXL A.9 Even or Odd
IXL M.2 Place Value Models-Up To Hundreds
No Weekend Homework (Enjoy the long weekend with your family!!)
We continued to study nouns this week.  Our focus was with common and proper nouns.  Students are learning that proper nouns name a specific person, place, or thing.  All proper nouns are capitalized. This is a review of a first grade standard, but will lead to the 2nd grade standards that relate to nouns.
In writing we are continuing a work on our riddles about ourselves.  We were able to take our prewriting (circle map and tree map) and write a rough draft.  Students needed to pick 6 to 9 ideas from their tree map and turn it into a clue.  This writing assignment is really coming together, I can hardly wait to see the finished product.
Our work with our Tribes Project has continued.  We focused on the Tribes Agreements of Mutual Respect, No Put Downs, and Appreciations.  For each agreement we have made an artifact for the class so that we will remember the agreement throughout the year.
We finally got on our Chromebooks.  It is very exciting for 2nd graders, since each 2nd grader is issued their own Chromebook.  Every week we will be using the Chromebooks more and more.  The students of Room 17 have been so patient as we have started this journey.  It is so amazing to see students gain proficiency with this technology as the year progresses.
This weekend we celebrate Labor Day Weekend.  Miss Garcia and myself hope that you and your family enjoy the extra day!
Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia
Reading information from Mrs. Loop...
Hello Second Grade Families,

We had a great week of learning last week in reading class.  The students have done a great job getting back into our routines. 2nd graders will begin guided reading groups this week.  We are so excited that we can begin reading groups so soon.  Your child will have  book to read beginning this week.  Your child will be bringing their books home in a plastic envelope, this will need to be returned daily along with any reading logs that need to be completed.  Please listen to your child read nightly.
Last week the students learned about the closed syllable.  These are syllables that have one vowel, that is followed by one or more consonants and the vowel is short. Examples of a closed syllable are (stop, prob, lem, cat, fish,). We also finished our review of reading secrets by looking at students names.
20160826_121751.jpg20160826_121801.jpgBelow are some pictures of some things that we discussed and learned about last week.  The names are showing the reading secrets that were found in them.       
Katy Loop

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