Sunday, November 29, 2015

Here comes December, ready or not!!

road, street, winter
                                                                                          November 30, 2015
Dear Big Horn Families,

I hope that everyone enjoyed a peaceful Thanksgiving, filled with family, friends, feasting, and fun!!  I thoroughly enjoyed celebrating the holiday with my family.  It was so nice to have both of my older boys home for Thanksgiving.  Just the time together was great!!

With the past week being so short this Blog Entry will be on the shorter side.  

Last week we started some work in geometry.  Our focus was categorizing 3-dimensional shapes.  We worked on this in whole group as students suggested different ways to sort the solids.  Students came up with many different ideas such as color, shape, and size.  Eventually student sorted them by solids with curved faces and solids with flat faces.

During the week students also made 3-dimensional shapes.  We are focusing on identifying the 3-dimensional shapes by name (sphere, cube, cone, retangular solid, triangular solid, pyramid, and cylinder.  Students are describing the 3-dimensional shapes by talking about their edges,vertices, and faces.

We are also very busy with working with our "big number".  Students are working with their "big number" daily and  will be assessing 2 times per week.  The goal for students is to complete 50 mixed problems (addition and subtraction) correctly in 5 minutes.  Students will be graphing their progress weekly. 
Here's the homework for the upcoming week.

IXL T.6 Compare Sides and Angles
IXL T.5 Count Edges Vertices and Faces
pg. 155 & 156
pg. 161 & 162

All students finished the final copies of their letter to Judge George trying to persuade Judge George to spare Tom Turkey's life.  Students were very creative with their reasons and explaining their reasons.  These letters will be out in the hall for everyone to enjoy for a couple of weeks.

 We will finish up our work with capitalizing words this week.  Students have been practicing capitalizing the months of the year, days of the week, the word "I", names of important people, places, and things, titles of books, songs, and plays, and the start of every sentence.  Our main focus has been the names of places (geographic places) and the names of products (Snickers Bar).

Students will finish up their matter projects this week.  The scientists of Room 17 will be presenting their findings to Miss Garcia's class and a 1st Grade class.  

Enjoy your week!!

Anne Bloomfield

Here is some information from Mrs. Loop...

Hello Second Grade Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful time with your family for Thanksgiving.  Last week we reviewed some report card assessments that some students had struggled with earlier in the quarter or at the beginning of the year.  Students also read short passages last week and had to determine what the author’s purpose of writing the passage was--to entertain, to inform, or to persuade.  We will continue discussing the author’s purpose when reading in class.  Last week students also practiced using the glossary, index, and table of contents to find information in a non-fiction text.  This week we will be discussing how to find the main idea of various reading passages.  Please encourage your child to read in their free time or before they go to bed.  Remember all 2nd graders should be reading 20 minutes each night.

Happy reading,

Katy Loop

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Original (3888 × 2592)

November 23, 2015
Dear Parents,

It's the week of Thanksgiving and thankful, thankful, thankful is how I feel!! When I look back at the last three months, I give thanks for the amazing students that I get to teach and learn from everyday. I am thankful for the wonderful parents that support their children and myself in the educational process. I am also very thankful to work with every member of the Oasis Academy Staff; the past three months have enabled me to learn and grow as an educator and a person!!

Last week in math we continued our work with money. Students worked on reading and writing money amounts in words, making equivalent values of money using different denominations (1 quarter = 2 dimes and 1nickel), converting cents to dollars and cents (342 cents = $3.42), and converting dollars and cents to cents ($4.27 = 427 cents).

This week we will start a unit on geometry. We will complete our work in geometry before Christmas Break.

Since we have a short week, students will only have homework on Monday. Enjoy the Thanksgiving Break!

Here's the homework...
Mon. IXL--T.4 Count Sides and Angles
Tues. No Homework

In writing students have been working on writing a persuasive letter. This letter is being written to convince Judge George to spare Tom Turkey's life. As a class we brainstormed why reasons Tom Turkey should live. The students were very creative with their reasons. Then students followed the same format we have been using in our opinion writing--state an opinion, give reasons, explain reasons (details), and finally restate the opinion. Students are getting very good at following this format. Each letter follows letter format with a heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature. These will be up in the hall this coming week.

Our work in language this week was all about words that need to be capitalized. We used the acronym MINTS to remember the words that need to be capitalized, M=months and days, I=the word "I", N=names of important people, places, and things, T=title of books, songs, and plays, and S=start of a sentence. This is a skill that we will continue to practice this week as well.
Students started designing lab reports that follow the scientific method. They will be determining how the solid or liquid they selected will change when heated and cooled. They will also be experimenting to see if the changes are reversible or irreversible. As a class we experimented with salt water, students were surprised to find that the salt water didn't freeze as was hypothesized. As students discussed the results, many students connected with the salt that is used in the winter to melt ice on the road and the salt that is added to the ice when making ice cream.

As we make our way to Thanksgiving on Thursday, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving that is filled with special memories.

Gratefully yours,
Anne Bloomfield

News from Mrs. Loop

Well this will be a quick and short week of school before Thanksgiving break.  Due to our short week I will not be meeting with students in reading groups this week. Instead I will be meeting with students in small groups or one on one to complete report card assessments of past skills that have been taught.  All students will asked to  determine an author’s purpose of various reading passages.  It could be to provide entertainment, information, or to persuade the reader.  They will also be asked to locate nonfiction text features in a book such as the glossary, index, and table of contents.  Students will need to use these parts of a nonfiction book to locate information in the book.  I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thanksgiving is just around the corner!!

Thanksgiving, Pumpkin, Harvest

                                                                              November 16, 2015
Dear Bighorn Families,

Although it is hard to believe, the holiday season is almost upon us.  As we go from Halloween into Thanksgiving and then onto Christmas it can be such a busy time!! This is a time to enjoy special family traditions and celebrations but at the same time balance work and school obligations.  At this exciting time of year it is important to remember that home and school routines are very important to maintain.  

Here's a bit about last week...  
We finished up our unit on graphing this week.  While the formal teaching of graphs has been completed, our work with graphs will continue in using them to graph data in projects and occasionally through a review on graphs.

Our new work in math is our money unit.  This week we focused on reviewing coins, their values, and counting on by pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and half dollars.  Students also got practice using coins to make a target money amount.  For example the money amount is 42 cents, here are some of the ways students made it.
...4 dimes and 2 pennies
...1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies
...8 nickels and 2 pennies
...1 quarter, 3 nickels, and 2 pennies
It was interesting to see the different ways students made the target money amount.  Our work with money will continue this week with money amounts that include dollar amounts.

Here's the homework for the week...

Mon.  IXL P.3 Count Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes
Tues.  IXL P.4-Count Money Up to One Dollar
Wed.  Homework Page
Thurs.  IXL P.7 Equivalent Coins

In writing students are continuing to work on opinion/persuasive piece.  The purpose is to have students make a statement, state an opinion or take a stand to persuade, give reasons that support that statement, give examples or explain the reasons, and finally restate their statement.  

On Monday and Tuesday we practiced this format orally with "Would you rather questions", like--Would you rather have super strength or be able to fly?  On Thursday students partnered up, selected a question, and used a "flee map" to put their ideas down in pre-writing.  

Our work in language continued with adverbs.  We got in a final review on Monday and Tuesday and assessed on adverbs on Thursday.

We also spent some time in language/writing looking at a friendly letter format.  Our main focus was naming the parts of the friendly letter--heading, greeting, body, closing, signature.  Students also paid close attention to the proper location of commas in the friendly letter--in the date, after the greeting, and after the closing.  This work will be practiced more this coming week in writing as well as language.

We completed our work with exploring changing solids using heat and cooling.  Students heated crayons in a crockpot, poured the liquid wax into molds, placed molds in the freezer and enjoyed their new solid!  Students got to discuss and write about the changes in matter that occurred.  We also discussed whether this was a reversible or irreversible change.  This week students will partner and pick their own form of matter to observe changes as it is heated and cooled. I wonder what the Scientists of Room 17 will discover?
Check out the great typing posture and finger placement on the home row!
As students are working more with their chrome books to type documents, I am seeing a need for students to learn some keyboarding skills.  This week students started using to work on keyboarding skills.  We will use this program twice a week to familiarize students with the keyboard--posture, finger placement, and the home row.  As students move through lessons they will also work on speed and accuracy.  So far students have been enjoying this program.  

Looking forward to a busy and productive week!!


Anne Bloomfield

Reading information from Mrs. Loop...
News from Mrs. Loop

All of my second graders are progressing nicely with their reading.  Students are beginning to bring home comprehension questions to answer with their assigned book.  One of the second grade standards states that students need to be able to answer questions about what they have read.  Students should be able to answer their questions quickly and they need to restate their question and answer in a complete sentence.  They should not begin their answer with the word because.  Continue to have your child practice reading aloud to you and continue to have them work on their reading fluency as well.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Feeling Thankful

Veterans Day | by                      November 9, 2015

Dear Second Grade Parents,

Room 17 had another fantastic week!  The students of Room 17 are a truly AMAZING bunch of kids!  They are kind, caring, and hard workers!  I am very thankful for each and every one of them!! 

With the cooler weather comes sweatshirts, sweaters, and jackets.  I can't emphasize enough how important it is to label your child's clothing.  Even if you have labeled your child's clothing recheck the labeling because after several times through the washer and dryer the label can fade (even when written in Sharpie).  Our "lost and found" table is overflowing, so if your child is missing something be sure to check out the "lost and found" table.
Charles Mc Shane
Dennis Bloomfield 1979

Veteran's Day is Tuesday, November 11th and we will not have school.  In class we will be discussing this holiday.  I will be sharing some pictures of my favorite veterans, my Dad, Charles E. Mc Shane (US Navy during WWII served as a signal man on Liberty Ships) and my husband, Dennis Bloomfield US Navy 1979-85.  

Graphs, graphs, and more graphs, students have continued working on graphing data.  Students have taken data and made tally charts, picture graphs, bar graphs, and line plots.
Measuring "fish" to gather data for a line plot graph.
Plotting data on a line plot graph.

Students are even graphing their snacks.
More graphs with snacks.
Students have really enjoyed their work with collecting data and creating graphs.  The work we have done with graphing will come in handy in future projects.  

Here's the math homework for this week...

Line plot homework pg
IXL- P.1 Names and value of coins
Veteran’s Day - NO homework
IXL- P.2 Name and value of all coins
We were inbetween formal writing pieces this past week.  We are gearing up to to write another persuasive piece.  So this week we have spent time giving an opinion and giving reasons to support the stated opinion.  We also spent some time writing in our journals.


Rubbing the ice cubes.
Squeezing the ice cubes.
This week in projects it was all about changing matter.  Students completed an ice cube race.  Each group was given a baggie with 2 ice cubes with the direction to change the ice cube.  Here is how different groups went about changing the ice cubes...
Blowing on the ice cubes.
Crushing the ice cubes.

In Language, students continued to work with adverbs.  We have learned that adverbs tell how, when, and where.  Students are doing a great job identifying adverbs within sentences.  We will assess on adverbs this Thursday.

Remember the Veteran's Day holiday is Wednesday, so Oasis Academy will be closed.  As you enjoy this holiday please remember with grateful hearts all the Veterans who have served our country.  Here's wishing you a week filled with gratitude.

Anne Bloomfield 

Reading information from Mrs. Loop...

Hello Second Grade Families,

What is happening in reading class:
  • Students are beginning to bring home comprehension questions to answer with their assigned book.  One of the second grade standards states that students need to be able to answer questions about what they have read.  They should be able to answer these questions quickly and I ask that they restate their questions and answer in complete sentences.
  • This week we will continue reviewing how to read nonfiction books as well as the text features found in nonfiction books.
  • Continue to have your child practice reading aloud to you.

Happy reading,

Katy Loop

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Welcome November

Welcome November

Trick or Treat from Room 17
Dear Parents,

Halloween at Oasis was amazing!!!  The students were adorable and wore a wide variety of costumes.  The Halloween Parade gave every student a chance to walk through each classroom so that their costume could be seen by everyone.  Mrs. Sheldon organized an outstanding party that included three different stations--cookie decorating, a Halloween ornament, and a "Monster Bag" to decorate.  We had some yummy baggies of fruit provided by Mrs. Holmes, and some delicious "Eyeball Punch" from Mrs. Whitaker--THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

The 1st and 2nd grade Parent Teacher Conferences were fantastic!  I really appreciate the time to sit down and discuss your child's progress.  Mrs. Loop and myself have so enjoyed the opportunity to sit and talk with you about your child!!  Just because conferences are over it doesn't mean the communication stops, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at .

Here's what has been going on in Room 17.

Our focus in math this week was graphing.  Students have taken data, created tally charts, then used the data to make picture graphs and bar graphs.  Students are using the graphs to answer questions.  We have even worked on some tricky graphs that involve scales of more than one.  
Here's the Math Homework for this week...
Mon.      IXL R.4  Which Bar Graph Is Correct?
Tues.     IXL R. 5  Create Bar Graphs
Wed.     Workbook page 133-134
Thurs.   IXL R.9  Create a Pictograph

In Language we completed an assessment on adjectives. We are moving on to learning about adverbs.

Dim lights set the mood for sharing Halloween writing.
We finished our Halloween opinion writing this week.   Since it was a relatively short piece, students used their Chrome Books to type their final draft and add an image.  Typing can be a lengthy process for students but this short piece was the perfect writing to start with.

On Wednesday we got together with Mrs. McEllhannon's class for the opportunity to share our opinion pieces with the 5th graders.  It was great to hear 5th grade scary stories and enjoy a treat with our 5th grade friends.

We finally took our "growing creatures" out of the liquids they have been "bathing" in.  Students got to get a closer look at these "growing creatures" through a magnifying glass.  Students got to make some wonderful, up close observations.

Halloween Party Pictures

Enjoying cookies
Homemade Monster Bags

Halloween Party Time
Fun Times

The Mustache Men
Halloween Bags
Most Scientific
All Our Super Heroes 
Best Sports
Cutest Costumes

Scariest Costumes
Just a reminder that the month of November goes very quickly.  Please take the time to check out the Blog weekly.  Even though the month of November has just started, with the many holidays--Veteran's Day (Wednesday, November 11th) and the Thanksgiving Holiday (Wednesday, November 25--Sunday, November 30th), students are only in school a total of 14 days in November.  

Looking forward to another busy week in Room 17!!

Anne Bloomfield

Here is some reading information from Mrs. Loop....

Hello Second Grade Families,

Parent/Teacher Conferences are complete for the first quarter.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s reading comments on their report card please do not hesitate in contacting me. My email is

What is happening in reading class:
  • Students will be bringing home comprehension questions to answer about their assigned reading book.  All assigned reading books are at your child’s instructional level and their assigned reading is often completed in class.  The comprehension questions should not take your child long to answer.  I would like them to restate the question and answer in a complete sentence.  Please have your child read aloud to you nightly to listen to their reading fluency and to ensure that they are not having difficulty in reading their book.  Remember all students should be reading 20 minutes each night.
  • This week we will be reviewing how to read nonfiction books as well as the text features found in nonfiction books.
  • Continue to encourage your child to read books other than their assigned reading book at home and have them write down books that they finish on their gold colored reading log.  When they complete 20 books they will be eligible for a pizza certificate from Pizza Barn.  Last week we had our first second grader earn “Read for Pizza Sakes” pizza certificate!

Happy reading,
Katy Loop