Sunday, June 3, 2018

Week 36 Good-bye Second Grade...Hello Summer!!

                                                                                                                       June 4, 2018

Dear Parents,

It’s hard to believe that we are down to the final week of school.  Miss
Garcia and myself are very proud of our 2nd grade students. We know
that they will be ready for 3rd grade.

It will be a busy week!  The 2nd graders will have the 2nd Semester Awards
Assembly on Monday, shopping at the 3rd Grade Market (no money needed)
on Tuesday, and 8th grade Graduation at the Venturacci Gym on Wednesday.
Earlier in the school year (March) we read Charlotte’s Web in class, We
will be watching the movie on Wednesday afternoon.  Report cards will be
sent home on Wednesday.

Field Day
Thursday is Field Day.  Be sure to make sure you have filled out and sent
back your child’s waiver form.  Every student needs a waiver form fill out
to participate in field day. All families received an email from Oasis Academy
about Field Day: label towels and clothing, sunscreen your child prior to
sending them to school and only one piece swimming suits are acceptable.
A lunch of a hotdog, bag of chips, juice box, and watermelon will be
provided free of charge. If your child does not eat hotdogs, send a bagged
lunch that doesn’t require a microwave. Please drop off your students by
8:00 and pick up at 2:00!

We have had an AMAZING 2nd grade year!  Thank you for sharing and
entrusting your children with us.  They have all touched our hearts. Happy
Summer Vacation!

Mrs. Bloomfield and Miss Garcia