Sunday, February 22, 2015

Time Flies

Star Background Vector by

                                                                                            February 23, 2015

Dear Parents,

Even though it was a short week due to President's Day on Monday; the students of Room 5 managed to have a full week of learning.

This week in math we were busy working on time concepts.  Students worked on telling time to the nearest five minute interval on analog clocks.  We worked on telling the time a few different ways, for example you can call 3:40, 40 minutes past 3, 40 minutes after 3, or 20 minutes to 4. 

The time on these clocks could be read as...
...40 minutes past 12.
...40 minutes after 12.
...20 minutes to 1.

File:Alarm Clocks 20101107a.

...10 minutes past 10.
...10 minutes after 10.

I encourage you to periodically ask your child to tell the time and ask them to tell you the time another way.

Students also worked on writing out a daily schedule that included various activities with a time listed which was labeled A.M. or P.M.  Students were able to pick the day for which they wanted write their schedule.  I noticed through this assignment that Room 5 has some very busy students with many different after school activities.

Our lessons on telling time will end this coming week but we will continue to practice this concept daily.

Mon.     IXL Q.4  Time Words--O'Clock, Half, and Quarter
Tues.    Practice Test B
Wed.     IXL G.8 Ways to Make a Number Using Addition
Thurs.   IXL I.1 Add Multiples of 100

This week in writing students completed the rough draft of their narrative that focused on the organization trait.  Students used a editing/revising sheet to do some self editing and revising with a focus on organization and conventions.  They had to read their narrative and determine if it included a Bold Beginning, Mighty Middle, and an Excellent Ending.  Students also analyzed their narrative for conventions (CUPS) capital letters, word usage, punctuation, and spelling.
I am pleased to say that all matter experiments have been completed!!  It was a week filled with heating and cooling everything from Legos to marshmellows.  Students were busy completing the "results" and "conclusion" portions of their lab reports.   This week students will be finishing up their lab reports.  Then they will present their findings to the class. 

We will be starting a new project shortly that will on the topic of Earth's Systems.  More information on our new project next week. 

We finished our work with reflexive pronouns.  Throughout the week students also reviewed all the parts of speech that we have learned so far.  These parts of speech include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and reflexive pronouns.  We also reviewed irregular plural nouns.  

Don't forget about Math Night this Thursday, February 26th from 6:00-8:00 P.M.  I hope to see many parents and students there!!

The weeks are passing so quickly.  It's hard to believe that in a few more weeks we will be closing in on the end of the 3rd quarter and getting ready for conferences.  Wishing time would slow down a bit but it marches on.  Have a great week!!

Anne Bloomfield

Now a few words from Mrs. Jackson...

February 23, 2015

What a busy week we had last week!  We have spent the past month learning about, reviewing and assessing our ability to compare and contrast important points made by two texts on the same topic, how images contribute to and clarify a text, and how to determine the meaning of words relevant to grade level topic area text.  Almost all of us have mastered these concepts, so we will be moving on to the last few standards that we have left for this quarter.

We have spent some time during this past month during our Guided Reading groups reading articles about an animal, identifying specific information about a certain part of this animal (what they look like, where they live, enemies and protection, what they eat, etc.) and then taking notes on this area in order to gather enough information to write a 1 paragraph on each section.  This information will be compiled into a complete  5- paragraph essay about this animal.  This week we will spend time finishing this process in our small groups so that next week each student can do this process of reading, note-taking and writing a 5-paragraph essay on their own during their independent work time in our daily 5 rotations.  

In connection to this small group work, we will spend our whole-group mini-lessons looking at the reasons that authors use to support their specific points in a text.  Using examples from these same articles, we will review facts and opinions, identify whether authors use mostly facts or opinions to support their points and decipher between their use of facts and opinions.

Our word family this week will be the “out” family.  

As you may have noticed last week, most students began reading new chapter books.  In many groups, we are reading a certain book series, so the books may look the same, but they are the 2nd or 3rd in the same series.  Students are also bringing home nightly questions with their reading in preparation for 3rd grade where they will be expected to answer questions about everything that they read for class.  Please encourage them to use specific details and evidence from the text to support their answers as well as complete sentences that restate the question.

I hope you have a fabulous Sunday!  See you Thursday at Math Night!  


Mrs. Jackson

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