Sunday, August 23, 2015

Here Come the Second Grade Stars!!

                                                                                                          August 24, 2015

Silly Second Graders on the first day of school.

Dear Parents,

The first week of school was spectacular!!  I feel so fortunate to have such an amazing class with wonderful parents!!  Our focus for the first week has been working on routines and getting to know one another.  

Here's glimpse into our week...

In Math  we have be working on counting by ones and tens recording 2-digit numbers up to 100.  We are also reading and writing 2-digit numbers up to 100.  In addition to these two concepts we also worked on identifying numbers that were 1 less, 1 more, 10 less, and 10 more than a given number.

We will start our IXL math homework this week.  I know most of you worked with this program over the summer.  Just a reminder that your child's user name is first name last name 233 or first name last name initial 233 or first name 233.  All passwords have been changed to ab15.  If you have any questions about IXL don't hesitate to send me an email.  I can be reached at .  Here is the IXL homework for the week.

Monday:  IXL B.1 Comparing Numbers Up to 100

Tuesday:  IXL A.5 Hundred's Chart

Wednesday:  IXL C.3 Writing Numbers Up to 100 in Words

Thursday:  IXL M.1 Place Value Models--Tens and Ones

I want to stress that your child does not need to work more than 15 minutes per night on the assigned objective.  If that amount of time is too frustrating for your child please contact me so that we can adjust the assignment.

We have also started our first writing assignment--a riddle about ourselves.  This assignment will take students through the entire writing process from prewriting to publishing.  I am expecting that our finished product will be bulletin board ready by about September 3rd.
Students sharing circle maps about themselves.
Practicing Attentive Listening

In Language we reviewed nouns.  Students review the definition of a noun and listed examples of nouns.  After listing nouns, students got some practice writing sentences using some of the nouns in sentences.      

Our first project is also well underway.  The focus is learning the Tribes Agreements--Attentive Listening, Mutual Respect, Appreciations/No Put-Downs, and Right to Pass, well enough to teach younger students about them through a puppet show performance.
Project Time
Writing about Attentive Listening

With 2nd grade, comes regular P.E. Time.  Students got to enjoy P.E. on Tuesday and Thursday this week.  P.E. always includes a warm up, activity, cool down, and reflection.  On Tuesday we did some work with hula hoops which was fun.  On Thursday, we had a parent volunteer join us.  Mrs. Dale led us through a series of movements that got our heart rate up!  We will be contacting via email the parents that wanted to help us with P.E. this week.



A few closing comments...
Our days are long at Oasis Academy and students get hungry. We have 2 snack times built into our day. Students can take out a snack at our 9:35 am recess. They may also munch on a snack while working at 2:40 pm. Please be sure to pack 2 snacks for your child. It's better for them to have an option not to snack then to be hungry.

Student Council is running a fund raiser to support some of the clubs at Oasis Academy. For a dollar per quarter (9 week period) students may wear any kind of socks with their uniform. Our uniform policy states that students will only wear white, navy blue, of black socks. Being able to wear "fancy socks" for the whole quarter for the cost of one dollar is a great value.

This blog entry has gotten rather lengthy--so much to say. I am looking forward to another wonderful week!!

Anne Bloomfield

Here's some information from Mrs. Loop...

Hello Second Grade Families,
I am so excited to be with many of your children for a second year and to continue to help them grow as readers.  During the first week of school we began rotating classes for math and reading on Tuesday (the second day of school).  The kids took a developmental spelling assessment which will help me to determine spelling groups.  We also began building stamina for the Daily Five components "read to self" and "work on writing".  Students will begin to have a choice this week as to which activity they do first and we will practice building stamina with     "read to someone ".  I will also begin individual reading assessments so that I can place students into reading groups.  I hope to have reading groups up and running possibly by the first week in September.  Until reading groups are formed assigned books will not be sent home.  I would recommend that students spend 10-15 minutes each night reading books of their choice at home aloud to a family member to begin getting in the practice of having nightly reading homework.
I will be determining my volunteer schedule also.  If you are available to come into the classroom and help during 8:30-9:30 please send me an email and let me know what day you are available.  I will need volunteers for sight word review, spelling practice, and fluency practice.  These are all activities that will require volunteers to work in small groups or one on one with students.  My email is
I am looking forward to a great year of reading with this class of second graders!

Happy reading,
Katy Loop

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