Sunday, February 28, 2016

Happy Leap Day

      Leap Year 2012 | Flickr

                                                                                               February 29, 2016
Dear Parents,

Now this is something that doesn't happen every year...Monday is Leap Day!  The students and I have been talking about the extra day in our calendar this year.  A regular year is 365.25 days, every 4 years the extra .25 (quarter) add up to a whole extra day!  Questions to ask your child if Leap Day happens every 4 years...

When was the last Leap Day?
When will be the next Leap Day?

It is just a week of special days as Tuesday, March 1st is the 100th Day of School and March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

Don't forget the students of Room 17 will be presenting their Reader's Theater for drama on Wednesday, March 9 th at 2:00 P.M. in the "High School Hangout".  The students have been working very hard on this.  You will not want to miss this performance!!

Here's all the Room 17 happenings from last week...

Second grade students are working on their time unit.  In second grade are standard is to tell time to the nearest 5 minutes.  We have been very busy reviewing the parts of the clock--minute hand (the longer one) and hour hand (the shorter one).  Students have been practicing the ways to say the time different ways.

For example:
3:15 can be said...
...three fifteen
...fifteen minutes past three
...fifteen minutes after three
...quarter past three
...quarter after three

Week 27 Homework...
Playing a "Time Game".
Test review pg. 128
IXL G.14 Add 3 digits up to two numbers in a word problem
IXL P.10 Word Problems - Adding up money up to $1
IXL P.12 Word Problems-Subtracting $
Do you have 3:00?

Students have been working on rearranging sentences that have a when, subject, predicate, and where.  They have really enjoyed creating complex sentences.  Students have also been using the conjunctions (and, but, so, or) to combine simple sentences.  It's been a lot of fun hearing some of the silly sentences that students have created.

I have continued to meet with students to go over the rough drafts of their animal reports.  This a very time consuming process to meet, revise, and edit with each student.  At this point some students are working on their final copy of their animal report and others are still waiting to revise and edit with me.  We are hoping to be ready to share our reports with parents on March 10th.  More details about animal reports will be forthcoming.

Continuing with our work in geography, students have traced the continent of where the animal they are researching is from.  Within their partnership one student will be creating a polictical map and the other partner will be creating a physical map.  Students will be sharing their map with their animal report on March 10th.

This week will be busy with Leap Day, the 100th Day of School, and Dr. Seuss' Birthday!  Wishing you a wonderful week!

Anne Bloomfield

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