Sunday, October 30, 2016

Happy Halloween and Happy Nevada Day

                                                                                  ... Halloween Autumn Theme ...              

                                                                                                                   October 30, 2016

Dear Parents,

It seems like October just started, but here we are at the end of the month already!!

Halloween is tomorrow and students will be allowed to wear their Halloween costumes to school.  Mrs. Whitaker (Bloomfield) and Mrs. Simper (Garcia) have organized our classroom parties, which will run from 2:00 PM until 3:15 PM.  It’s sure to be an exciting day!!

The Book Fair is also to this week.  Both second grade classes will visit the Book Fair on Tuesday.  Students may bring money to purchase books or they may browse and make a “Wish List” to share at home and shop later in the week.  Family Night at the Book Fair will be Wednesday, November 2nd from 6:00 - 8:00 PM.  Hopefully you’ll be able to visit and join the fun.
Students have been using the strategies that we used when adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers (open number line, partial sums and differences, arrow method, and branching) and applying them to 3-digit numbers.  Last week we focused on partial sums and differences to add and subtract 3-digit numbers.  This week we will finish up by using the open number line and arrow methods to add and subtract 3-digit numbers.  Miss Garcia and myself are so proud of how well students are doing with this math work!!
Here's the homework schedule for this week...
No Homework-Happy Halloween
Worksheet--Open Number Line 3-Digit Addition and Subtraction
Worksheet--Arrow Method 3-Digit Addition
Worksheet--Arrow Method 3-Digit Subtraction
... Jack-o'-lanterns | by ...We will finish up our work with collective nouns this week.  Students have done a great job with their slides that have been made into a slide show.  After working on some “Halloween” collective nouns, students will make a mini book.  This standard will be assessed this week!
Did you know a group of Jack O’ Lanterns is called a leer?
Our 2nd grade writers are putting on their finishing touches on their “Absolutely True” stories.  Students that were finished last week, used their Chrome Books to write clues about their Halloween costume.  Students wrote a few clues and inserted an image.
Our work with matter continues.  We looked at different liquids to see how they fill up containers.  Students noticed that some liquids poured fast (water) and other liquids poured slow (Karo syrup).  Students also learned about molecules and how they look in solids, gases, and liquids.
File:States of matter En.svg
Parent Conferences begin on Friday and continue into the following week.  Miss Garcia and myself are looking forward to meeting with everyone!  If you have not signed up for a conference please do so, there are a variety of days and times left!  We want to visit with every family!
Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia
Halloween, Animal, Cat

Here’s some information from Mrs. Loop…

Happy Halloween!  It is always a fun time at Oasis Academy when Halloween comes around because the kids get to wear costumes to school instead of their uniforms.  Monday will be a fun day of learning as well as doing fun activities at a party.  Your child will be meeting in class for reading and math in the morning.  Due to trick or treating happening in the evening on Monday night I am not requiring any of my students to take home their reading folders on Monday night.  Reading homework will continue for the rest of the week.

Katy Loop

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