Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 22

January 2016 by Demonogorgon

                                                                                                           January 25, 2016
Dear Parents,

Although last was short due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday on Monday, the students of Room 17 had a very busy and productive week!

Our work in Math last week and for the next few weeks will be focusing on addition and subtraction with renaming.  We will be using the same strategies (open number line, branch method, and partial sums and differences) that students have already been taught.

This week we worked on decomposing and composing ones and tens to help us make the next ten or next 100 so that we could easily add.
Here's what it looked like...

 Example 1:  Adding ones by making the next ten.

56  +  7 = ____          1.  The next ten after 56 is 60.

        ↙ ↘                     2.  To get to 60 you need 4, so the 7 gets decomposed into 4 and 3.
      4    3                         Then take the 4 and compose it with the 56 to make 60. 
60 + 3 = 63 3.  The renamed equation is 60 + 3 = 63.

Example 2:  Adding tens by making the next hundred.
450  +  90 = ___        1.  The next hundred after 450 is 500.
          ↙ ↘                  2.  To get to 500 you need 50, so the 90 get decomposed into 50 and
      50   40                      40. Then take the 50 and compose it with the 450 to make 500.
500 + 40 = 540 3.  The renamed equation is 500 + 40 = 540.

After solving the equation, students used the open number strategy to check their answers.

As was mentioned last week homework for the week will be worksheets because the standards being worked on are not on IXL. This will be the case for the next few weeks.

Our work in writing is moving into informative writing.  We are learning how to research and will use the information to write an animal report.  Right now as a class we are working on researching kangaroos.  Students will eventually be pairing up to research an animal of their choice.

Students using a thesaurus
It's all about vocabulary in language.  Students have been learning about synonyms (words that have the same meaning).  We have been learning about and using a thesaurus and to find stronger words.  Students have also been working on ordering groups of synonyms by intensity.  We are incorporating some of our new vocabulary words into our speaking and writing

During projects students are learning about maps.  This week students took some time looking at different maps.  The focus was identifying the title of the map and the symbols being used on the maps.

Valentine's Day
Sharing a special talent!!

Here is some information from Mrs. Loop...
Just a reminder...since Valentine's Day falls on the weekend. The students of Oasis Academy will not be celebrating it with parties or bringing valentines to school. We hope that you will enjoy celebrating this holiday at home with your family.
Looking forward to another fabulous week in 2nd grade!!

Anne Bloomfield

Hello Second Grade Families,

We will be working on spelling words with the “old” spelling pattern this week.  Students have really enjoyed the “Tic-Tac-Know” spelling practice that they have been doing each day in reading class to review their spelling words.  Past spelling tests have been sent home and I have been pleased with the student’s progress with their spelling.  Keep practicing spelling at home and when they are answering comprehension questions at home about their assigned books please encourage your child to use their books to spell words correctly.  It is time for second graders to begin using resources more consistently in spelling unknown words correctly as third grade is right around the corner.  Last week we began reading Wonder Stories and the kids did a great job answering questions about the text by highlighting where in the story the answer can be found.  This is something they should be practicing at home when answering questions about their assigned books (without the highlighter, of course).  This week we will begin learning about prefixes and suffixes.

Homework reminder -- All Bighorns should be reading 20 minutes each night.  If your child doesn't bring a book home to read please have them choose a book from home to read.  

Happy reading,

Katy Loop

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