Sunday, April 22, 2018

Earth Day Week 30

Happy Earth Day

                                                                                  April 23, 2018
Dear Parents,

The school year continues to be flying by, it’s hard to believe that
we only have 7 weeks left of school!!  

In Math, 2nd graders will be starting their last “new” unit of the
school year--multiplication.  We will be using number bonds and the
terms equal groups, repeated addition, and arrays as we explore this
concept.  Students will spend time drawing lots of pictures as we
learn the foundation of multiplication.

Number Bond
▋ ▋ ▋ ▋     ▋ ▋▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋▋
This number bond can be described the following ways....

Repeated Addition...4 + 4 + 4 = 12
Multiplication Sentence...3 X 4 = 12
Equal Groups...3 groups of 4 equals 12

Array                     C
ROWS Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   L This array can be described as...
      Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   U Repeated Addition...4 + 4 + 4 = 12
       Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   M Equal Groups… 3 rows of 4
                         N Multiplication Sentence...3 X 4 =12
Here’s the homework for the week...
IXL Y.4  Relate Addition and Multiplication for Equal Groups
IXL Y.2  Identify Multiplication Sentences for Equal Groups
E.24  Write Addition Sentences for Arrays
Y.5  Write Multiplication Sentences for Arrays

In language 2nd graders worked on combining, expanding, and rearranging sentences.  Our work in this
standard will continue on Monday and Tuesday. Students will review and test on Wednesday after
correcting our Scoot Review.

Students will be completing their opinion pieces this week.  Last week students used a rubric to rate
their rough drafts. Students also had a peer review their opinion writing.  Students will conference with
their teachers this week and complete their final copy this week.

Second grade students have completed their personal timelines.  They will begin working on their decade
time line projects. Pairs of students will be working on completing note takers.  They will be learning
about the presidents, important news, inventions, transportation, music, children’s books and movies, and
much more as they research their decade.  The next 2 weeks will be filled with research.

In closing, please remember that with the warmer weather water bottles are important.  Be sure to send
your child with a water bottle labeled with their name. This is especially important on P.E. days
(Monday and Wednesday).

Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia

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